Thursday, March 6, 2014


Math is the greatest thing that God created. This song is basically about how math is closely related to our daily life.


  1. haha this is so funny! But I do agree, God has created so many things and it's unbelievable that he created all the equations and functions, and has even left things for us to solve!

  2. This is a great song! It's true, math is a language God designed to communicate to us, and allow us to discover the many wonders of this world. Although it's a difficult subject, hopefully more people realize how relevant math can be to our lives.

  3. This is a very catchy song! It also has the same message that Miss. V's sign on the white board of her class. It says something like math is the language in which God has written the world. I don't remember exactly but it's something like that.
