Thursday, January 9, 2014


Today, I am going to introduce a very famous mathematician in ancient china who impacted today's math field especially when dealing with circles. Zu Chongzhi was a mathematician during the  early Southern and Northern dynasty (421- 581 AD). He worked out an accurate value of Pi. It used to be very difficult to research topic for mathematics to calculate the value of PI, 3.1415926. The value was the most accurate in the world at that time, and Japanese scientists respectfully called it the "Zu Chongzhi Ratio". Not until more than 1,000 years later, did scientists in the West come up to and surpass the achievements of Zu Chongzhi.
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  1. That is interesting to know that the value of Pi originated in China and not in America. He seems like a very intelligent mathematician. And a 1,000 years is such a long period of time! Seems like his knowledge of math was quite advanced compared to those in the West. Thanks for the info! :)

  2. This is pretty cool. It's crazy how people could do these calculations such a long time ago. More proof that math is intrinsic and learned not discovered perhaps.
