Thursday, January 30, 2014


Here are some examples about matrix. Using Gaussian system. It is easier than the other one!


Tuesday, January 28, 2014


The appearance on television of a man capable of solving highly complex mathematical problems in his head has prompted experts to call for better care facilities for savants.Zhou Wei, a 22-year-old man from Wutai county, Shanxi province, appeared on Jiangsu TV on Jan 17.
During the Chinese version of Super Brain, he displayed mathematical skills that go far beyond normal human ability and which are commonly associated with autism.
Zhou worked out the square root of a 16-digit number in just a few minutes using mental arithmetic, a test given by a mathematics professor from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His answer was almost exactly the same as that provided by an electronic calculator.
However, despite his talent, Zhou has difficulty communicating with others, and his elder sister had to accompany him throughout the TV show.
Savant syndrome, or an extraordinary mental ability, is often found in people with certain mental disabilities such as autism.
Zhou's TV appearance sparked online discussion on his life story and skills, with some expressing admiration for his talent while others saying they suspected that he had cheated during the show.
Meanwhile, Guo Dehua, director of the autism project at the China Psychiatric Association, suggested that society should put more emphasis on protecting and developing those people who suffer some kind of mental or emotional impairment while exhibiting a "supertalent" like Zhou's.
Guo said that over the years, he has met several children like Zhou who could barely take care of themselves but showed highly developed skills in areas such as numbers, music and memorization.
Guo said that such individuals are very rare, and the great challenge is to provide them with a proper education in childhood.
"What their parents hope for, as well as the whole of society, is that they can be as socially functional as possible - just like other people. The super talents they have, such as playing a melody they have just heard on the piano, reciting calendars or solving highly complicated math problems, are not helpful when it comes to their lives," he said.
Zou Wen, the mother of an autistic child in Beijing, said: "None of their mothers feel happy about these special talents, because none of these special talents can help our children grow into normal people. He is still a geek to people around him, never able to live on his own. His future still remains a big question mark that continues to worry us deeply," she said.
She believes that children should receive as much training on social skills as possible, although she suggests this may cause their "supertalent" to recede as their social functions come to the fore.
Guo, from the autism project, said other countries are doing a better job providing education to children with autism, and the ideal situation would be that their "supertalent" can benefit both themselves and society.
Zhou Wei remained in school for just five years. His mother said that Zhou was as healthy as other babies before he was 6 months old.
She said that the problem started when her husband threw a pillow at the baby, after which the child began to develop abnormally. He developed various diseases that local hospital found hard to identify, she said.
When the boy had recovered from his physical ailments, he entered school and began to show a special talent for mathematics, but did poorly in other courses. "He was often beaten by his classmates because he worked out math problems super fast, making his classmates look stupid," she said.
She said her son was often teased by his classmates because he was not able to communicate with people normally.
Xu Jiacheng, head of the special education department of Beijing Union University, said that this group of people needs more support in their daily lives, whether from family members or others. "This is the prerequisite of developing their special skills," Xu said.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Here is a lesson about partial fractions and decompositions. Always remember that if the power of the top, numerator is greater or equal to the power on the bottom, denominator, use long divison first.


Everyone knows how to use the Pythagorean theorem. The finder of this theory is called Pythagoras. He is said to have been born in the Greek island of Samos. That information, along with everything else about him unfortunately cannot be verified. There is no written documentation from the time that he lived.He is considered by many to be the "father of numbers" because of his belief that everything, even the "gods and demons", could be explained through numbers. However, he was considered to be a much more influential philosophy. He even led a religious movement in which his followers were called Pythagoreans. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Today, we learned linear programming. I found that the homework for today was kind of difficult. At first I did not understand 39. So I asked Miss. V. Now I am going to explain it...
1. Let's set model A($250) equal to x. And model B to y.
2. For x, since the cost for each is 250, and the merchant earns a profit of 45, 250-45 gets you the principal 205. For y, same, principal $350.
3. Total estimates will not exceed 250 means the total model x and y will be less than or equal to 250.
4. Inversment no more than 70000 means total principal less than or equal to 70000.
5. X and Y should be positive.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Today, we learned how to graph an inequality and find the vertices of the shaded area. When you have an inequality system,
1. Replace the inequality sign with an equal sign and sketch each equality.
2. Test one point in each equation and shade. Remember dashed line for less than or greater then. Actual line for less then or equal, greater then or equal. 
3. The shaded area should satisfy each inequality.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Multiplying by 11
1. Multiplying a one-digit number by 11 is a cinch. For example: 2(11)=22
But did you know there’s a trick to multiplying any number by 11? 
 Here’s how, using an example: 54 x 11.
The first digit of the answer will be 5 and the last digit of the answer will be 4. To get the digit between, just add 5 and 4.     5 (5+4)4= 594

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Today, I am going to introduce a very famous mathematician in ancient china who impacted today's math field especially when dealing with circles. Zu Chongzhi was a mathematician during the  early Southern and Northern dynasty (421- 581 AD). He worked out an accurate value of Pi. It used to be very difficult to research topic for mathematics to calculate the value of PI, 3.1415926. The value was the most accurate in the world at that time, and Japanese scientists respectfully called it the "Zu Chongzhi Ratio". Not until more than 1,000 years later, did scientists in the West come up to and surpass the achievements of Zu Chongzhi.
    Found in Google image

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


In today's lesson, we learned elimination. Their are several rules about elimination.
1. Obtain coefficients that differ only in sign
2. Add equations to eliminate a variable
3. Back substitute to solve for second equation
4. Check!

I also learned word problems dealing with speed and wind. If the plane goes with wind, the total rate is speed of plane plus the speed of wind. If the plane goes into the wind, the total rate is the speed of plane minus the speed of wind. Distance remains the same.

Monday, January 6, 2014

No. 1

Today is the first day of school. We are so happy to be back to Mathland. We learned substitution, it was easy. First of all, we have to isolate one of the variable and then substitute into another equation. When you have only one variable left, solve it. Use the variable to solve the other one by plugging in the number. When solving, a number is equal to another number, it is no solution.