Thursday, May 15, 2014


Key Definitions:
  • Parameter - The third variable (usually t or Θ).
    • t represents time; Θ represents angle
  • Parametric Equation - An equation that equates x or y to the third variable (ex: y=2t)
  • Plane Curve - An interval in which both x and y are continuous functions of t. Often represented by C.

Main Purpose - to give a more realistic illustration of a graph by including the time or angle at which any given point occurs.

Steps to Solving Parametric Equations:

  1. Eliminate the parameter to find a rectangular equation
  2. Sketch the graph of basic x,y equation once parameter is eliminated.
  3. Use parametric equations to find (x,y) at point t.
    1. Usually use t = -2,-1,0,1,2.

Credit by Joe Laski

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