Thursday, April 10, 2014


Adding Vectors

And here is how to add two vectors after breaking them into x and y parts:
The vector (8,13) and the vector (26,7) add up to the vector (34,20)
Example: add the vectors a = (8,13) and b = (26,7)
c = a + b
c = (8,13) + (26,7) = (8+26,13+7) = (34,20)

Subtracting Vectors

Remember: to subtract, first reverse the vector you want to subtract, then add.
Example: subtract k = (4,5) from v = (12,2)
a = v + -k
a = (12,2) + -(4,5) = (12,2) + (-4,-5) = (12-4,2-5) = (8,-3)

Magnitude of a Vector

The magnitude of a vector is shown by two vertical bars on either side of the vector:
OR it can be written with double vertical bars (so as not to confuse it with absolute value):
You can use Pythagoras' theorem to calculate it:
|a| = √( x2 + y2 )
A vector with magnitude 1 is called a Unit Vector.

Vector vs Scalar

When using vectors we call an ordinary number a "scalar".
Scalar: just a number (like 7 or -0.32) ... definitely not a vector.
A vector is often written in bold,
so c is a vector, and it has magnitude and direction
but c is just a value, like 3 or 12.4
Example: kb is actually the scalar k times the vector b.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for always including images and graphs! They really help me better understand the concept :)
